Full Stop: Tropes We Need to Leave Behind

5 min readJun 30, 2021

I’m a nerd. I consume a ton of media regularly. This includes watching a lot of movies, shows, and theatre (pre-COVID), and I’m always confused why certain problematic choices are still seen in most of them. It’s 2021 and we’re still seeing a ton of blatant biases in the media. So I decided to write another list to keep most of the more frequent ones in one handy dandy article.

  1. Black people can exist in fictional worlds without experiencing racial trauma. Please retire anything you were planning that involved a plantation, racial violence, or verbal racism…




Playwright/Dramaturg/Freelancer. Queen of the nerds. Lover of mediocre cheese and cheap drinks. Recovering coffee addict. Habitually tweets about TV. (she/hers)