Full Stop: The Devil Doesn’t Need Advocates

5 min readDec 2, 2021

I dare to be a woman on the internet, so I spend a lot of my time fighting with (mostly white) men in what I like to think of as paying my internet toll. These guys will pop in at random to try to tell me that I don’t know about Doctor Who, horror movies, racism, feminism, and anything else they damn well please because men are not okay. I could dedicate a whole book to men who tried me on Regina King’s internet, but I am focusing today’s article on the devil’s advocates that moved from our film classes to the internet where they still haunt us every day.




Playwright/Dramaturg/Freelancer. Queen of the nerds. Lover of mediocre cheese and cheap drinks. Recovering coffee addict. Habitually tweets about TV. (she/hers)